Third Jamaica Inn Foundation Open Water swim for the sanctuary meet set for November 11
The third staging of the Jamaica Inn Foundation Open Water swim for the sanctuary …one day swim meet was officially launched yesterday at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston.
The event set for November 11… at the white River House Beach in St Mary will see contestants participating in various events….including a 500 meter race, 4×100 meter sprint relay and a 500 meter paddle-board race.

(At Left ) Belinda Morrow, Co Chair of the White River Fish Sanctuary ……..(Right) Kyle Mais, Director of the Jamaica Inn Foundation ….greet (Centre)Kimberly Garbutt, Regional Manager of Sagicor Group, one of the Silver level sponsors of the event.
Meanwhile , the event sanctioned by the Aquatics Sports Association of Jamaica (ASAJ and will see participants will also be able to race over 1, 3 and 5 kilometers.
All funds raised from the event will go towards the white river fish sanctuary to help with its work to protect, restore and the engagement of citizens on the importance of protecting Jamaica’s Marine life.