Teachers’ Association says increase in budget for Child Protection Agency should help it respond to issues more effectively

The Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) says it believes the nearly 8 per cent increase in the allocation for the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) will help the Agency respond to issues more effectively.

During a Standing Finance Committee meeting last week, Education Minister Fayval Williams announced that the CPFSA will receive $4.76 billion up from the $4.41 billion allocated last year.

Speaking with IRIE FM NEWS, JTA President, Leighton Johnson says he welcomes any increase that will help children who experience abuse.

He notes that while schools are complying with existing protocols for reporting abuse, it takes a while for the CPFSA to respond.

Mr. Johnson says the increase in funding could boost the Agency’s response time and their investigative processes.

He describes the Ministry’s move, as a step in the right direction.


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