Services Commission asked to probe alleged unprofessional conduct of Senior Deputy DPP

The Services Commission has been asked to conduct a full investigation into the alleged unprofessional conduct of Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Kathy Pyke.

This after Director of Public Prosecutions Paula Llewellyn said recent actions by Ms. Pyke have put the ODPP into disrepute.

Ms. Pyke had written a letter to Prime Minister Andrew Holness making certain allegations about operations at the ODPP under the stewardship of Ms. Lewellyn and calling for a probe into same.

Ms. Pyke raised concern about the viability of the office and suggested that the government’s decision to change the DPP’s retirement age was ill-advised.

In a statement issued last evening, Ms. Lewellyn noted that prior to working at the ODPP, Ms. Pyke was at the Tax Administration but was separated from the job due to reported behavioural issues, which resulted in Ms. Pyke being referred to the Services Commission.

Ms. Lewellyn said at the time despite being warned, she hired Ms. Pyke to help reduce the workload on staff.

The lengthy statement goes on to outline that over the past 15 years, Ms. Pyke executed well as a professional prosecutor, but her eccentricities attracted criticisms from all who interacted with her.

The DPP noted that due to her behaviour Ms. Pyke was never promoted to head any division within the office.

She said 3 years ago Ms. Pyke was made Senior Deputy, a fact which Ms. Pyke allegedly bitterly resented, and resulted in her alleged mistreatment of other staff members, so much so that they have refused to work with Ms. Pyke.

The DDP pointed to actions, deemed to be sabotage, which are being investigated by the human resource department.

She said the letter Ms. Pyke sent to the Prime Minister, on an official ODPP letter head, is a clear breach of protocol, shocking insubordination, and abuse of office.

Ms. Pyke was the only signatory to the letter, having failed to get other staff to agree to its contents, even after allegedly bullying them.

In reference to Ms. Pyke’s concern about the bill to change the DPP’s retirement age, Ms. Lewellyn noted that given the fact that the bill deals with the officeholder, it would have been inappropriate for her to provide legal commentary on the bill.

And, in reference to the Adijah Palmer and the Privy Council matter, Ms. Lewellyn said Ms. Pyke would never be privy to arrangements in this highly sensitive case, as she is not a member of the Privy Council Unit.

The DPP went on the counter Ms. Pyke’s claims of bad leadership, poor management, and nepotism, stating that under her watch, the ODPP has developed into a world class entity, which has fair, transparent processes, and is highly respected locally and internationally.


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