Senate passes bill for Electoral Commission to assume Political Ombudsman role, despite objections

Despite objection from the Opposition, government senators used their majority to push forward with the debate on the political ombudsman bill today and eventually passed it. 

Eight members voted in support of the Political Ombudsman (Amendment) Act, 2024, while six voted against it.

The vote followed objections from the opposition who questioned the urgency to both table and debate the bill today.

Defending the government’s decision to proceed with the bill, Senator Ransford Braham noted that the bill was just over 100 words and would have been available since its tabling in the Lower House for members to review.

Responding to the question of the urgency of the bill, he noted that with the Local Government Elections in a few weeks, its best to have a body in place to carry out the functions of the Political Ombudsman.


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