Monthly SDF subvention to the JFF reduced by 50 percent

The Jamaica Football Federation has suffered an untimely setback as the Reggae Boys gear up for the upcoming Copa America with its monthly subvention from the Sports Development Foundation being reduced.

Reports are that the $3.5 million dollar monthly subvention was first reduced to $3 million with another reduction seeing the monthly amount now at $1.5 million, severely hampering the funding capabilities of the federation.

The reduction was understood to be across all sporting federations, but checks by IRIE Fm Sports have revealed that at least one other sporting association has not had any cut to its subvention.

Allan Beckford, general manager of the Sports Development Foundation, when contacted by IRIE Fm Sports declined to comment as did Minister of Sports the Honourable Olivia Grange who were both in attendance at a function held Wednesday afternoon at Wray and Nephew where the company announced a $20 million dollar sponsorship deal of the JCDC Jamaica 62 Independence celebrations.

The Reggae Boyz recently kick-started their campaign to qualify for the 2026 FIFA World Cup which will be staged in the United States, Mexico and Canada.


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