Prime Minister Holness condemns Rockfort mass shooting; says perpetrators will either meet a judge or their maker

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has condemned the Rockfort mass shooting, noting that it was an organized attack.

The Prime Minister who was speaking during a tour of the area with senior police personnel and National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang, said the government will not sit back and allow organized crime to threaten the nation’s security.

He noted that the country continues to face the challenge of dons and gangs battling for turf.

Mr. Holness noted that unfortunately, many Jamaicans see these persons as protectors of their community.

The Prime Minister said it is about time that all members of communities realize that these persons organize violence to the detriment of communities.

Mr. Holness said the security forces have restructured their operations to deal with organized crime and have reduced the number of gangs operating in the country to about 150.

He stressed that the security forces will pursue those involved in last evening’s mass shooting.


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