Police say killing of Hopewell High School Bursar may be linked to interpersonal conflict

Investigators suspect that the killing of the Hopewell High School Bursar on Wednesday, may be linked to interpersonal conflict.

In a release last evening, the police said a Hanover high school principal has been taken into custody, as investigations intensify into the shooting death of 35-year-old Jermaine Roberts of Pitfour, St. James.

The shooting occurred at the gate of Hopewell High School about 3:20 p.m.

The police say Roberts was attacked by an unidentified individual, who witnesses described, as approximately 6 feet 2 inches tall, wearing a floral ‘Hoodie’. 

He was shot as he was leaving the school premises in his vehicle.

During the incident, the school’s principal was injured and taken to the hospital.  

The Education Ministry said he was injured as he tried to retreat from the vicinity of the attack.

Police state that the principal was taken into police custody after being treated and released.

According to police, this development comes, as preliminary inquiries suggest the shooting may have stemmed from interpersonal conflict.

The police are urging anyone with information related to this incident to come forward. 

Persons may share information with police emergency at 119, Crime Stop at 311, the NIB Tipline at 811 or the nearest police station.


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