PM Holness suggests recent US travel advisory is not consistent with crime in Jamaica

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has suggested that the recent US travel advisory is not consistent with the statistics on crime in Jamaica.

This, as Mr. Holness said perceptions of crime in the country often do not match up to the reality of what is experienced on the island.

Speaking at a National Security Council seminar on Wednesday, he referenced a recent survey of 20 countries in the region which indicated that though Jamaica had one of the highest expressed concern about crime, the country had the lowest rate of victimization.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that it will take some time for perceptions regarding crime to change, while stressing that the government is not dismissing the concerns that citizens have about their safety.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, has indicated that it is extremely rare for visitors in Jamaica to be victims of crime.

He noted that the reported overall crime rate for visitors in 2023 was 26 per one million.

He said even with under-reporting taken into account, the rates are extremely low.


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