PEP Exams underway

Administration of the 2024 Primary Exit Profile, PEP test for grade six students began today, with the sitting of the Ability Test.

Acting Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Terry- Ann Thomas-Gayle says 34,878 students are registered to sit the exams.

This comprises 17,721 males, and 17,157 females.

The Acting Education Officer says provisions have been made for 435 students with special needs.

Mrs. Thomas-Gayle adds that no primary-level institution was selected as a polling station for early voting by members of the security forces and election day workers, so there should be no disruption at the examination centres.

Meanwhile, president of the Jamaica Teachers Association, Leighton Johnson says the administration of the examination is progressing well.

Grade-six students will sit the performance task element of PEP on March 20 and 21, and the curriculum-based test on April 24 and 25.

Meantime, the grade-five PEP assessment for the performance task is set for June 5 and 6, and the grade-four PEP assessment performance task is scheduled for June 19 and 20.


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