Oscar Pistorius is to be freed from jail on parole

Former Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius is to be freed from jail on parole, nearly 11 years after murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The  parole  board  has  set  his  release  date  for  January  5, 2024

Pistorious   shot Steenkamp multiple times through a bathroom door on Valentine’s Day in 2013, later claiming he mistook her for a burglar.

Pistorius  who  is  now  37  years  old   was sentenced by a South African court in 2016 to serve 13 years in prison.

He   was initially not found guilty of murder and was instead convicted of culpable homicide………… the equivalent of a manslaughter charge in the UK.

He was sentenced to five years in 2014 and was eventually released from prison and placed under house arrest.

A year later, that conviction was overturned when South Africa’s supreme court of appeal found him guilty of murder.

He was sentenced to six years – which was then increased to 13 years and five months after the sentence was deemed “shockingly too lenient” in an appeal.

The parole board considered his case again today after denying him parole in march.

Steenkamp’s mother, who   chose  not  to  attend  today’s  parole  hearing  did not oppose bail.


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