Opposition supports ban on Ride Share services, urges gov’t to pass legislation to quickly regulate the sector

Opposition spokesman on Transport Mikael Phillips says he supports the recommendation for a ban on Ride Share Services.

Mr. Phillips, however, wants the government to do more, and pass legislation for ride share services, quickly.

This in the wake of concerns raised by the Police, about challenges Investigators face dealing with persons doing ride share, while probing a case, and the need for ride share companies operating in Jamaica, to be more structured in how they operate.

It follows reports that a Ride Share Operator was involved in the disappearance of Primary School Teacher, Danielle Anglin.

Skeletal remains believed to be that of Ms. Anglin were found in Salt River, Clarendon on Monday.

The male suspect in her death, is a convicted sexual offender, and deportee, who reportedly picked up Ms. Anglin from St. Catherine, on May 13, after she requested a ride share.

Yesterday, in his Sectoral Debate presentation, Transport Minister Daryl Vaz said while government is not opposed to the operations of ride hailing services, they must operate within the ambit of Jamaica’s laws.

Mr. Vaz wants the ban to take effect immediately and run for an initial one year period.

In reacting to the announcement, Mr. Phillips, who was also making his contribution to the Sectoral Debate yesterday, said the opposition has long warned the government about the ride share sector, and called for its regulation.

Mr. Phillips chastised the government for not addressing the ride share problem earlier.


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