Opposition Senator Peter Bunting accuses gov’t of normalizing bad governance

Opposition Senator Peter Bunting has chastised the government for what he describes as a normalization of bad governance practices.

Mr. Bunting was speaking on the issue of the role of the Political Ombudsman being subsumed into the Electoral Commission.

The bill, which was passed in the Lower House on Tuesday, despite objections from the opposition, was brought to the Upper House today.

Making the point about bad governance in the senate this morning as he commented on the bill, Senator Bunting referenced a recent video in which supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) were seen being transported in police vehicles.

He said the incident is just one of the examples of how the ruling JLP administration is normalizing its disregard for good governance.

Despite an interjection from Senate President Tom Tavares Finson, Mr. Bunting pressed on with the argument that the move to integrate the Office of the Political Ombudsman with the ECJ is another example of bad governance.

He refuted the claim from government that the upcoming election makes it urgent for the bill to be passed.


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