One of 3 men who sustained severe burns in fiery crash along PJ Patterson Highway transferred to KPH

One of the three men who sustained severe burns in a fiery motor vehicle crash along the PJ Patterson Highway, in St. Catherine, this morning has been transferred to the Kingston public Hospital for treatment.

Police say around 7:30 a.m, the driver of a Toyota Corolla motor vehicle was travelling easterly, when upon reaching Bodles, a motor vehicle entering the toll road, was driven into its path.

The driver of the Corolla motor car reportedly swerved to avoid a collision, which resulted in him losing control of the vehicle which collided into the guard rail.

The car immediately burst into flames. 

The driver exited the vehicle quickly, however, 3 passengers received severe burns. 

The injured men were taken to the May Pen Hospital for treatment. 

Regional Director of the South-East Regional Health Authority, Errol Greene told Irie FM News that one of the men who received burns to over 80 per cent of his body, was sent to the KPH.


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