Lack of water supply hindered classes at St. James High School this morning

It was not business as usual at the St. James High School this morning as at least two incidents hindered normal operations.

In the first incident, several students and staff were unable to enter the school’s compound after the gates were padlocked.

It is unclear who padlocked the gates, but it comes amid tensions arising from ongoing conflicts between members of the institution’s governing body.

The Education Ministry had to intervene last month to restore order.

Speaking with IRIE FM News this morning, school principal Joseph Williams said after finding the gates padlocked, he immediately made steps to have the locks removed.

He explained that after entering the compound, it was found that there was no water supply at the institution.

As a result, students were sent home early.

The principal said discussions are being held with the National Water Commission (NWC) to determine the way forward.

Mr. Williams noted that it is unclear if face-to-face classes will resume tomorrow.

He said the administration will meet and make a decision later today.


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