Grief counselling continues at Christiana Leased Primary following death of student in Manchester crash

Grief counselling continues at the Christiana Leased Primary and Infant School in Manchester, after one of its students was killed in a motor vehicle crash yesterday. 

Dead is Grade 6 student Traevon Saunchez.

Reports are that  about 7:30 A.M., Traevon’s mother who is a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force was transporting him to school in a Honda Fit motor car, when upon reaching a section of the Sedburgh main road, the driver of a Range Rover, overtook a line of traffic and collided with the Honda Fit.

Traevon died at hospital while his mother remains hospitalized.

Speaking to IRIE FM News this morning Traevon’s teachers remembered him as confident and spirited. 

One teacher said he was very vibrant and he will be missed. 

Another said he was not afraid to ask questions. 

She added that the entire school has been rocked by the incident and Traevon’s schoolmates are trying to cope. 

In the meantime, representative from the Ministry of Education Region 5, Marsha Fennell-Bell, said the ministry is offering support to the school community. 


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