Gov’t uses majority to pass legislative amendments to extend time frame for by-elections

Despite strong objection and claims of breaching the law from the opposition, the government used its majority in the Lower House yesterday, to pass legislative amendments that will facilitate extending the time frame for local government by-elections.

This in the wake of concerns by political experts that the ruling Jamaica Labour Party would face challenges in holding a by-election for the Morant Bay Division in St. Thomas following the death of Councillor Rohan Bryan in May.

Bryan won the seat on a Peoples National Party ticket in the 2012 Local Government Election.

Speaking in Parliament yesterday Leader of Government Business in the Lower House Edmund Bartlett explained the proposed 3 month extension.

He noted that the impacts of events such as Hurricane Beryl and the time needed for recovery were also taken into consideration.

In reacting to the bill, Leader of Opposition Business Phillip Paulwell said the government breached the law when it failed to call the by-election after Councillor Bryan’s death.

Mr. Paulwell also noted that a government minister cannot approve the extension.

He said the opposition will not support the unlawful amendment.

The bill was passed with 25 votes for and 8 against.

28 members were absent.


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