Government to embark on project this fiscal year to make the courts paperless

The government will embark on a project this fiscal year aimed at making the country’s courts paperless.

This will be done under an agreement with the Rwandan government.

Justice Minister, Delroy Chuck said the technology to be introduced will bring the operation of Jamaican courts to world class standards.

Jamaican and Rwandan officials have been in dialogue and a delegation from the African nation visited the country last year paving the way for digital transformation in the justice sector.

Mr. Chuck said the project will cost approximately 5 million USD to facilitate training and provide software.

In the meantime, Mr. Chuck says the ministry has embarked on a new partnership to renovate and build new judicial complexes.

He lamented that there are several old courthouses that are not worthy of being renovated.

He was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Chief Justices and Heads of Judiciaries of the Caribbean Conference in Kingston.


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