Golding unveils ‘PORTIA’ initiative: comprehensive land and housing program for the next PNP administration
Opposition Leader Mark Golding says the next People’s National Party Administration will implement a land and housing progamme called the Programme for Orderly Renewal and Transformation of Infrastructure in all Areas, the PORTIA initiative.
It will be established in honour of former Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller.
Speaking this afternoon at the party’s 86th annual conference, Mr. Golding said land and housing are fundamental development priorities.
Mr. Golding says the next PNP government will also make lands available to the NHT for qualified contributors, so that they can build their own homes.
From the outset, a PNP administration will restore the core mandate of the NHT, stop the extraction of funds from the NHT, and return to providing affordable houses for Jamaicans.
He said the PNP plans a comprehensive review of all laws relating to housing to find ways to make housing more affordable for all Jamaicans.