Golding says he will be renouncing his British citizenship, however the JLP says the move is too little too late

Opposition Leader Mark Golding has announced that he will be renouncing his British citizenship.

The move follows calls from members of the governing Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and other stakeholders.

Despite the constitution allowing members of the Commonwealth to serve in Jamaica’s Parliament, concerns had been raised about Golding potentially having a conflict of interest if he were elected Prime Minister.

Speaking at a People’s National Party (PNP) meeting in St. Thomas today, Mr. Golding said he made the decision bearing in mind the views of the public.

He said while he regards his status as normal, he does not want it to impact the party.

Meanwhile, the JLP has taken issue with Golding’s move to renounce his citizenship, saying the decision is too little too late.

West Portland Member of Parliament Daryl Vaz says it’s obvious that Golding is bowing to significant public pressure. 

He says the sequence of events leading up to the Opposition Leader’s announcement sends the unmistakable signal that he is not fully committed to Jamaica, but has acted in a politically expedient manner.

Mr. Vaz says the PNP President has compounded matters by obfuscating and making several contradictory statements concerning his citizenship in recent days. 

He says it’s unacceptable that the PNP President has not given a timetable concerning when he will act on his intention to renounce his citizenship.


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