Golding says future PNP administration will pass law to allow targeted detentions for known violence producers

People’s National Party President Mark Golding has said a future PNP administration, will pass law to allow targeted detentions for known violence producers on whom there is credible intelligence.

He added that this would be done under court supervision.

Mr. Golding stated that this will enable effective cases to be built, leading to successful prosecutions.

Outlining his party’s strategy for citizen security, Mr. Golding noted that Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and its first priority will be strengthening and enabling communities for safety and security.

He said the PNP’s vision for citizen security is built on a foundation of community partnership and empowerment.

He acknowledged that the prison system needs an overhaul to rehabilitate inmates rather than produce more hardened criminals.

The PNP president stated that the portfolio teams for citizens security, education, social transformation, culture and sports have been taking a joined-up approach, working together.

He was speaking at the party’s annual conference yesterday.


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