Green tells diaspora that generators are at the top of needs list for Jamaica’s Hurricane Beryl relief

Generators, generators and more generators, that’s among the items at the top of the needs list, for Jamaica’s Hurricane Beryl relief efforts.

The issue was highlighted by Agriculture Minister and Member of Parliament for South West St Elizabeth Floyd Green, while speaking last evening during Ambassador Audrey Mark’s Lets Connect virtual forum.

He was responding to questions about how members of the Jamaican diaspora in the United States can help with relief efforts.

Mr. Green noted that many residents in St Elizabeth, the parish hardest hit by the storm, remain without electricity, and it will be a while longer before power is restored.

He said the provision of generators is an opportunity that donors can support.

Mr Green added that for affected farmers and fishers, their needs include material for rebuilding green houses and fish wires.

The minister also responded to queries about tax waivers for items sent to Jamaica for relief.


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