Former Senator Warren Newby wins election to represent JLP in Clarendon NW

Former Senator Warren Newby has won the Jamaica Labour Party, JLP’s internal election to represent the party in North Western Clarendon during the upcoming general election.

Newby received 389 votes, while his main rival Corey Dunkley received just over 150 votes.

Dr. Clovis Nelson secured 8 votes.

Delegates from all four divisions voted.

JLP’’s Deputy General Secretary, Dr. Andrew Wheatley announced Mr. Newby’s victory.

Mr. Newby will be going up against the People’s National Party’s Richard Azan.

Today’s election came after businessman Phillip Henriques’ decided not to seek re-election as Member of Parliament.

Dr. Wheatley stressed that the JLP must remain united to win the general election due by September.


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