Finance Minister says PNP budget promises would have resulted in FINSAC 2.0

Finance Minister Fayval Williams has chastised the opposition for making promises that she said would have cost the country and resulted in FINSAC 2.0.

This in reference to the crisis faced by the financial sector in the 1990’s.

In closing the budget debate in parliament this afternoon, Mrs. Williams pointed out that the opposition did not give any costing for the many promises during their contribution to the debate.

She was interrupted by Opposition Leader Mark Golding who sought to explain that no costing was done, because the presentations were about proposals.

The minister countered that because the presentations were made during the budget debate, the proposals were for an implied budget.

She went on to draw comparisons between the government’s budget and the oppositions implied budget, to show that the proposals put forward by the opposition would have put Jamaica at fiscal risk.


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