Education Ministry to hire consultant to help obtain appropriate CCTV cameras for nation’s schools

The Education Ministry has made steps to hire a consultant to help in obtaining the appropriate closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras to enhance security at schools.

Mrs. Williams gave the update during a smartboard handing over ceremony at Bethabara Primary School in Newport, Manchester on Friday.

She explained that the consultant would assist with preparing a document that would then be taken to Cabinet for approval.

After its approval, the procurement phase would begin.

Mrs. Williams said the Government remains committed to ensuring measures are taken to address the issue effectively.

The need for CCTV cameras in schools rose to the fore after 8-year-old Danielle Rowe was abducted from her school in Portmore, St. Catherine last year.

She was later found with her throat slashed.

Danielle died two days later at hospital.


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