Education Ministry says its early childhood development policy is 35% complete, with full implementation scheduled for 2026

The Education Ministry’s early childhood development policy is about 35% complete, with full implementation scheduled for 2026. 

This according to Chair of the Education Transformation Oversight Committee (ETOC), Dr. Adrian Stokes. 

He gave an update on the progress of implementing the recommendations in the 2022 Jamaica Education Transformation Commission Report, during a press conference, Friday.

Focusing on the early childhood sector, Dr. Stokes noted that efforts to finalize the early childhood development policy continue.

He expressed hope that the initiative can be expedited.

Dr. Stokes noted that there has been progress in the training of teachers.

As it relates to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Dr. Stokes noted that significant progress has been made in providing adequate funding for this programme.

He added that efforts have been made to improve the physical state of the nation’s schools.

Under the National Education Trust, 2 billion dollars has been allocated for infrastructure projects in schools.


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