Digicel and Flow say they did not issue bills to customers without service post-Hurricane Beryl

The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) says Digicel and Flow have confirmed that they have not issued bills to customers without service following the passage of Hurricane Beryl.

The update comes in light of complaints from customers about the continued receipt of bills, despite them being without service since the July 3 hurricane.

In a release yesterday, the OUR said Flow and Digicel confirmed a ‘no usage charge’ for the period of interruption since beryl, for customers whose service is unrestored.

However, it said all customers who have had service prior to and after Beryl are required to pay the charges.

Flow said customers without service since Beryl should not reflect any usage charges for the period of interruption.

The company noted however that rental charges may have been billed to customers’ accounts despite the service interruption.

It said this is a recurrent function of its billing system and will be reversed once service is restored and customers will not lose their number if they do not pay the rental charges applied during the service interruption.

Flow has also noted that its fixed service customers who had service interruptions for more than seventy-two (72) hours because of the hurricane, will benefit from a one-time rebate.

This rebate will be automatically applied to customers’ bills immediately following service restoration.

Meanwhile, Digicel said bills for customers that were out of service should not reflect any usage charges for the period of interruption.

Digicel said for postpaid mobile and Digicel plus customers, rebates will be applied to account holders who lost service, based on the number of days lost.

The OUR is urging customers of the telecommunications providers to be vigilant to ensure that the companies are meeting their commitment and to bring observed deviations to its attention.


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