Christiana Moravian Primary School board shocked at killing of parent at school gate this morning

The board of the Christiana Moravian Primary and Infant School in Manchester has expressed shock and horror at the killing of a man at the entrance to the institution, this morning.

Dead is 27 year old Cuthbert Lambert, also known as Jerome.

It’s reported that just after Lambert dropped off his step- daughter at the school, he was ambushed by gunmen at his car.

The attackers shot Lambert multiples times.

Students and teachers in close proximity to the shooting have been left traumatized. 

In a statement, the school board said it is baffled at how callous and cold persons who continue to carry out these heinous killings and shootings have become.

The board condemned the killing of Lambert and extended condolences to his family.

It said it’s especially saddened and horrified by the trauma meted out to the school community in this brazen attack near the school gate. 

The board empathized with staff, students and parents and pledged its unwavering support during this ordeal.

It noted that swift action by law enforcement officers will bring those responsible to justice. 

The board also commended the Education Ministry and the Police Community Safety and Security Branch for their timely and appropriate response to the situation.

The board called on the nation to pray for schools as they operate in what it said are trying and difficult times where lawlessness, lack of empathy and disrespect for institutions of learning seem to be the order of the day. 

It encouraged staff, parents, students and all stakeholders to not be deterred, but to continue doing their best in the midst of evil. 


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