Aisha  Praught-Leer confirmed as the lone  Jamaican on World  Athletics  Governance  Commission 

Two  time  confirmed   by  track  and  field’s  World  Governing  Body.

The Composition of three World Athletics Commissions and three Executive Board Committees has been confirmed for the 2023-2027 period following approval from the World Athletics Council and Executive Board respectively.

The Council on  Sunday  approved the recommendation from the nominations panel that the  individuals be appointed as members of the competition commission, the development commission and the governance commission.

The role of the World Athletics commissions is to provide expertise and to advise the World Athletics Council, but if requested, they may also advise the president, executive board, chief executive officer, senior management and directors, and other commissions.

The  national  5  thousand  metres  record  holder  praught-leer  is  on  the 12 member   Governance  Committee  which  is  chaired  by  Francis Dodoo of  Ghana. 

The governance commission is involved in a wide variety of governance-related initiatives.


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