Agriculture Ministry says it will strenuously defended court matter brought against it or portfolio minister Floyd Green

The Agriculture Ministry has indicated that any court matter brought against it or portfolio minister Floyd Green, will be strenuously defended and vigorously opposed.

This in the wake of reports that contempt of court proceedings will be filed against Green, due to his participation at the recent Jamaica Agricultural Society annual general meeting.

Hugh Wildman, the lawyer representing JAS board member Lawrence Robertson, had stated that Green is aware of a court injunction granted to his client barring the organisation from holding its AGM until claims relating to audited financial statements and funds for parish branches, are settled.

Wildman said Green’s participation amounted to aiding and abetting.

In a statement today, the ministry said it has taken note of what it called misleading comments made by Wildman, as well as by former JAS President Lenworth Fulton, regarding the legality of the AGM and assertions about Green.

It said both the ministry and minister are seeking further legal advice on the matter.

The ministry explained that Fulton had notified the ministry about the AGM scheduled for July 10 at Denbigh in Clarendon and invited Green to attend and deliver the main address.

It said to date, the ministry has not received any court order restraining the JAS from holding its AGM.

Moreover, the ministry was presented with an order, which stated that the JAS undertakes to hold the AGM in accordance with by-laws.

The ministry said it remains focused on supporting the agriculture sector and ensuring that all statutory bodies operate within the framework of the law.

It urged all stakeholders to adhere to due process and avoid disseminating information that may mislead the public.


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