Golding: the PNP did the heavy lifting that set country on sustainable fiscal path

“We did the heavy lifting!” That’s the declaration of Opposition Leader Mark Golding, as he argued that it was a previous People’s National Party (PNP) administration, which was responsible for the policies and programmes that set Jamaica, on a sustainable fiscal path.

He also argued that the current Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) administration is merely continuing the PNP’s work.

Mr. Golding was making his contribution to the budget debate in parliament today.

He assured, that the next PNP led government will not jeopardise the economic gains made.

The Opposition Leader chastised the JLP for citing the ‘run wit it’ comment, as a basis for the PNP’s stance on how to handle the country’s economy.

In highlighting the origin of the comment, Mr. Golding claimed that the very highway the JLP objected to is now being used by the government to raise funds.  


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