Returning to Downtown Kingston location, hiring communications director and digitizing files high on DPP’s agenda before term ends

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Paula Llewellyn has highlighted a list of priorities she intends to tackle before her time in office ends.

Ms. Llewellyn, who is the country’s first female DPP, has held the post for 17 years – the longest anyone has served in the position.

She is slated to demit office in September.

Speaking with IRIE FM News, DPP Llewellyn notes that though she has experienced several challenges, she is grateful for the opportunity to serve.

She emphasizes that one of her primary goals is to have the office of the DPP relocated to its original site in downtown, Kingston by May this year.

It was moved to the Justice Ministry last November due to mould infestation.

DPP Llewellyn says she will also move further with efforts to digitize files, noting that some of the physical files date back to 1962.

She also stresses her intent to expand her team, including the administrative cadre and the number of paralegals.


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