Taxi operators block Spanish Town Road in Kingston in protest of poor road conditions and raw sewage on the roadway

Several taxi operators took to the streets near the Denham Town Police Station in Kingston this morning to protest poor road conditions and raw sewage running on the roadway.

The operators who blocked the Spanish Town Road say the issue which has been affecting them since last November, has worsened in recent days.

They say the situation cannot continue.

One operator stated that the deplorable roadway is not only damaging their vehicles, but the sewage has also led to health concerns.

According to him, the sewage water on the road surface has caused rashes to appear on the skin of several people after it was splashed on them by passing vehicles.

In addition to the hefty repair costs incurred due to the poor condition of the roadway, the operator claims that he and his colleagues are being heavily ticketed by lawmen for infractions that are often beyond their control.


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