Murder convict Rushane Barnett to pursue appeal despite advice from attorney

25-year-old Rushane Barnett who was convicted of murdering his cousin and her four children in Cocoa Piece, Clarendon in June 2022 is pursuing his appeal against his sentence, despite legal advice to abandon the attempt. 

Barnett pleaded guilty to the murders in July 2022 and was sentenced in October that year to life imprisonment on each count of murder. He was ordered to serve 61 years and 8 months before being eligible for parole.

He is appealing on the grounds that the sentence is manifestly excessive.

When the matter came up before the Court of Appeal on Monday, Barnett’s lawyer Kemar Robinson told the court of his advice to his client. The lawyer was told to get written instructions from Barnett.

When the lawyer returned to court this morning, he said Barnett did not agree with his advice and wished to retain another lawyer.


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