Teen allegedly stranded in Jamaica for months following the closure of Atlantis Leadership Academy, now back in the U.S

A teen boy who was allegedly abandoned by his adoptive family for several months in Jamaica following the closure of the Atlantis Leadership Academy is now back in the United States.

The boarding school which housed troubled children from the U.S. was closed in March over allegations of physical and mental abuse.

Several employees were charged in relation to the allegations. The case is still before the courts.

Following the school’s closure, it was reported that efforts were underway to return the children to their homes.

However, according to new reports, one of the teens from the facility, a 17-year-old was stranded in Jamaica until last Tuesday, September 3.

He was reportedly living in a group home until authorities put him on a plane and flew him to Florida. He was later taken to his hometown of Michigan.

On Wednesday the teen and his attorney, Dawn Post, appeared in court to decide what would happen to him. Ms. Post says a new foster family has taken in the teen.


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