Opposition says the country’s education sector is in a crisis

Opposition Spokesman on Education Senator Damion Crawford says the country’s education sector is in a crisis.

He made the statement as he pointed to a decline in the number of students who passed Mathematics in this year’s sitting of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate examination.

According to the Education Ministry, 38.9 percent of students secured passes in mathematics while 76.4 per cent secured passes in English A.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Senator Crawford noted that the number of students who leave secondary school with five subjects including Maths and English needs to be improved.

According to Senator Crawford this will increase the number of students who are eligible to pursue tertiary education.

He said this issue cannot be ignored as the opportunities for earning are reducing, dramatically.

According to Senator Crawford, the Opposition believes there should be at least one family member with a university degree per household.

He said it has been shown that members of these households are less involved in crime and violence, and suffer less from malnutrition among other things.


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