Repair work begins on Yallahs to Pamphret roadway in St. Thomas

Repair work has started on the Yallahs to Pamphret roadway in St. Thomas.

Sections of the road surface deteriorated over time, due to being built with poor quality material, being driven on by heavy duty vehicles and made worse during the recent passage of Hurricane Beryl.

The affected section of road forms part of package two of the Southern Coastal Highway Project (SCHIP).

Works Minister Robert Morgan toured the area yesterday, accompanied by National Works Agency Communications Manager Stephen Shaw and Mayor of Morant Bay Louis Chin.

Morgan said the repair work is being done by China Harbour Engineering Company, (CHEC) at no cost to the government.

The NWA said CHEC mobilized its teams today, to begin fixing the roadway.

Works will be done over the next three weeks.

Motorists are being advised to expect some delays while using the corridor from Salt Pond to Pamphret.

The road will be periodically reduced to single lane access.

Motorists should also reduce driving speed, as well as obey posted warning signs and the instructions of flag persons.


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