Pressure mounts on JPS as residents in St. Elizabeth and Manchester block roads to protest slow pace of electricity restoration

Pressure is mounting on the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) as residents in two parishes mounted roadblocks this morning to register their frustration over the pace at which the company is carrying out power restoration works.

The latest demonstration occurred in Buttup, Manchester where placard-bearing residents called on the JPS to prioritize electricity reconnection. 

According to a resident, despite community members digging holes to aid in the remounting of light poles, the JPS has failed to restore power. 

He said senior citizens and other people taking prescribed medication which requires refrigeration are being affected by the prolonged outage.

Over in Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Fire Brigade worked to clear roadblocks mounted by residents.

This was hours after security forces cleared the Holland Bamboo main road in the parish, which was blocked with debris and downed trees by residents demanding the restoration of electricity to their communities. 

They want the JPS to move with alacrity to reconnect them to the grid. 

Superintendent at the St. Elizabeth Fire Department, Emrick Needham told IRIE FM News that firefighters responded to calls about the blockade shortly before 8 A.M. 

Last week the Office of Utilities Regulation directed the JPS to restore power to all customers by August 12.


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