4 killed in Hanover yesterday

Four men were killed in separate incidents in Hanover yesterday.

The latest incident was a double murder.

Dead are 23-year-old Merrick Calvin of Johnson Town District and Michael Collins of Jew Hill District in Lucea Hanover 

Two other persons were wounded in the attack at about 9 P.M.

Police reports are that the men were on a construction site in Johnson Town, when they were pounced upon by two armed men travelling on a motorcycle.

The men opened gunfire at the group before escaping in the area.

The wounded men were taken to hospital where Calvin and Collins were pronounced dead.

Meantime, 35-year-old Teron Hart otherwise called ‘Croppa’ of Lance Bay in Hanover was shot and killed by gunmen at about 2:30 P.M.

The incident took place at a business establishment in the transport center in Lucea.

According to police, residents heard explosions and alerted them. 

On their arrival, Hart was seen lying on the floor in a pool of blood with gunshot wounds to the head. 

He was pronounced dead at hospital.

And 43-year-old funeral director Robert Williams, otherwise called ‘Bangy’ of Cauldwell District in Hanover was shot and killed at his business establishment in Harding Hall yesterday.

Reports are that at about 1 P.M., Williams was siting at the back of the building when he was approached by a gunman who opened fire hitting him multiple times to the upper body.

Death was confirmed at hospital.


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