PNP distances itself from Crawford’s recommendation for an increase in GCT to fund education

The People’s National Party (PNP) has distanced itself from Senator Damion Crawford’s recommendation for an increase in the General Consumption Tax (GCT) to fund education.

In a statement today, the PNP said the comment was made in the context of exploring ideas and is not a reflection of the official position of the party.

It said the PNP has neither discussed nor contemplated the introduction of any additional or new taxes.

The party noted that it understands the burden that increased taxation would impose on citizens, especially at a time when the cost of living has been increasing intolerably.

It said the success of post 2012 fiscal reforms has meant that tax intake has increased year after year, at rates significantly exceeding inflation, thereby rendering increases in tax rates unnecessary.

The PNP added that it believes there are sufficient resources within the government’s current budget to better invest in the education sector.


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