PNP supporters in St Catherine south east still upset over selection of Dr. Alfred Dawes as standard bearer

Supporters of the Peoples National Party (PNP) in the St. Catherine South East constituency have threatened to withhold their votes in the next general election if the person they want as the candidate is not selected to run.

Tension has been brewing in the area as some party supporters are against Dr. Alfred Dawes running for the seat.

Dr. Dawes became the party’s standard bearer for the constituency, following his victory in a recent selection process against another contender, Councillor Alrick Campbell.

Some supporters maintain that they want Campbell to run for the seat, not Dr. Dawes.

An emergency constituency meeting was held in Portmore last night with party executives discussing the matter with upset supporters.

One disgruntled party supporter told reporters that the meeting did little to address the concerns and that if Dr. Dawes runs the PNP will not win the seat.

Following the meeting, a party official told Irie F M News that the Peoples National Party remains confident of a victory in the next general election.

The official noted that the party has a vision for the St. Catherine south east constituency and that this vision is being shared with supporters.


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