JLP accuses PNP of attempting to derail the process to make Jamaica a republic

The ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has accused the opposition People’s National Party of attempting to derail the process to make Jamaica a Republic.

The accusation follows Opposition Leader Mark Golding’s instruction to the two Opposition representatives on the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) not to sign a report to be sent to Cabinet.

The report was submitted to Cabinet yesterday without the Opposition representative’s signatures.

In a release this morning, the JLP said the government heard and responded positively to wide and consistent representation from citizens for Jamaica to become a Republic.

It said the CRC, chaired by Constitutional Affairs Minister, Marlene Malahoo Forte, conducted a thorough and timely review of how best to make Jamaica a Republic and that it worked assiduously and prepared recommendations with the aim of achieving this objective.

JLP Public Relations Council member, Senator Sherene Golding Campbell said it is therefore disappointing that despite this progress, the Opposition Leader chose to potentially derail the process by making demands at the proverbial 11th hour.

She said the party remains hopeful that the Opposition will see the wisdom of returning to the table to act upon implementing the widely expressed desire of the Jamaican people.


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