Policeman and two civilians slapped with multiple charges including murder

A policeman, along with a male and a female citizen, have been slapped with multiple charges, including murder, in relation to 2 incidents in Clarendon, in December.

They are 32-year-old constable Jimoke Ingram, and 32-year-old customer service representative Shanika Simpson, both of Petunia Crescent in Longville Park, and 33-year-old Sheldon Harris, a car wash operator of Poinciana Way, also in Longville Park.

A statement from the JCF Communications Unit said Constable Ingram was charged with murder and several breaches of the firearms act in relation to two incidents in his community on December 27.

In the first instance, Ingram and his co-accused, Harris, were charged jointly with murder, possession of a prohibited weapon,unauthorized possession of ammunition and use of a weapon to commit a felony.

These charges stem from the shooting death of 59-year-old farmer Donnett Lowe, also of Longville Park.

Reports from the Clarendon police are that about 4:45 a.m., two men, one armed with a gun, visited Lowe at his home and engaged him in a brief conversation.

Shortly after, loud explosions were heard, and the police were alerted.

Officers who responded found Lowe lying in a pool of blood, with gunshot wounds to his upper body.

Lowe was assisted to hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

Swift action by lawmen led to the arrest of Ingram and Harris and they were subsequently pointed out during an identification parade, later the same day.

Investigators, in pursuit of evidence relative to the murder of Lowe, led them to constable Ingram’s home, where an operation was conducted.

A search of the premises was done in the presence of Ingram and his female companion Simpson, who also resides at the premises.

The search resulted in the recovery of several rounds of assorted ammunition, among other things, in a barrel, in the bedroom.

Police reportedly found one pistol, 216.5 rounds of ammunition, one 20-gauge cartridge, fifteen 12 gauge cartridges,47 9 millimetre rounds of ammunition, 26 7.62 rounds of ammunition, 68 .38 special rounds of ammunition, nine M-16 magazines, one sub-machine gun magazine, and two pistol magazines.

Ingram and Simpson were then slapped with several charges in relation to the seizure.

These are possession of prohibited weapon, unauthorized possession of ammunition, dealing in prohibited weapons, stockpiling of prohibited weapons and unauthorized use of premises for the storage of firearms.

The policeman and his 2 co-accused are scheduled to appear in the Clarendon parish court on Monday, January 8.


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