Chuck suggests that IC needs to expand focus to other areas of government

Justice Minister Delroy Chuck has suggested that the Integrity Commission needs to expand its focus from high officials and politicians, to look at other areas of government where issues such as bribery often arise.

Minister Chuck made the suggestion while responding to opposition Member of Parliament Phillip Paulwell, who had questioned whether the commission has adequate staff to perform its assigned functions.

Both were speaking at a meeting of the Integrity Commission Oversight Committee on Tuesday.

Mr Chuck had initially questioned why the commission was taking a long time to submit reports related to six parliamentarians and 28 public officials being probed for illicit enrichment.

To which Mr Paulwell said perhaps additional staffing needed to be provided to ensure the reports are not received years after the incidents concerned.

In response to this, the justice minister said the commission has gotten all the resources that it has requested and needs to demonstrate that it is providing value for the money it has been allocated.

He suggested that the commission widen its focus to probe other government officials to demonstrate that it is committed to the fight against corruption.

While noting the issues highlighted, Committee Chair Edmund Bartlett said he would invite the commissioners of the Integrity Commission to the next meeting of the Oversight Committee to address them.


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