Lower House approves consolidation of NCDA and NFPB into MOH

The Lower House has approved the consolidation of the National Council on Drug Abuse, and the National Family Planning Board into the Health Ministry.

The bills to repeal the legislation for both entities will next go before the Upper House for approval, then to the Governor General for assent.

In his contribution to the debate on the bills on Wednesday, opposition spokesman on health Dr Morais Guys raised concern about aspects of the integration, and how it will impact the effectiveness of the 2 entities.

He noted, for instance, concern that the work of the council will get lost in the main ministry.

In response, Health Minister Dr Christopher Tufton sought to assure that the integration of the 2 entities into the ministry, will allow for a more targetted approach.

Dr Tufton said the effectiveness of the entities will also depend on them having good management.

Both bills were passed with one amendment each.


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