PM: Jamaica wants to see human rights of all people respected

Amidst public outrage over Jamaica’s non-participation in a peace-keeping resolution at the recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Prime Minister Andrew Holness has asserted that Jamaica wants to see the human rights of all people respected.

The resolution, which was introduced by Jordan, called for the protection of civilians, and the upholding of legal and humanitarian obligations in the Palestinian city, Gaza during the current period of unrest.

The resolution was adopted with 120 countries in favor, 14 against, and 45 abstaining.

A list of the results show several Caribbean nations, excluding Jamaica, voting in favor of the resolution.

The exclusion has prompted criticism from the Opposition, members of the Jamaican society, and the Diaspora.

In an explanation on social media, Foreign Affairs Minister, Kamina Johnson Smith said consultations did not conclude in time for Jamaica to participate in the vote.

She said Jamaica, however, welcomes the action taken by the UNGA, and hopes that it contributes to progress.

Echoing the Foreign Affairs Minister’s statements, Prime Minister Holness said his heart goes out to the people of the Middle East, pointing out that those with power have a responsibility to help protect the human rights of people.

Mr. Holness was addressing a Jamaica Labour Party meeting in South St James on Sunday.


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