60,000 customers without power – JPS

The Jamaica Public Service, (JPS) says approximately 60,0000 of its customers are still without electricity.

In a release today JPS said roughly 632,000 of its 692,000 customers, now have electricity.

The company is also reporting that all hospitals and major health care facilities are energized.

It said while the vast majority of its customer base will be energized by tomorrow night, a number of smaller areas will remain out of service.

JPS said it will continue to give attention to these areas, until power is restored.

The company said it is also redeploying resources, where possible.

Media and public relations manager at JPS Audrey Williams told Irie Fm News that power will be restored to 97 percent of customers, by this weekend.

She called on citizens to be patient as works continue.

The JPS also reiterated that St. Elizabeth remains on a different timeline, with full restoration expected in roughly a month.

The JPS noted that works were done in sections of St. Elizabeth, today.

Among the areas targeted were Spur Tree, Gutters, Nain, Junction, and Brompton.


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