600 additional pieces of illegally harvested lumber seized in Quickstep, St. Elizbeth, yesterday

The Forestry Department continued its recovery of illegally harvested lumber in Quickstep St. Elizabeth yesterday.

An additional 600 pieces of lumber that were illegally cut from the Cockpit Country forest reserve were seized by the team, yesterday pushing the total number of pieces of lumber seized to 750.

The operation started on Friday, but members of the department’s team were impeded in carrying out their duties.

They were reportedly marooned and stoned by residents last week.

The team supported by the police returned to the area yesterday.

Chief Executive Officer of the department, Ainsley Henry said yesterday’s operation lasted 8 hours.

He said the agency and the police continue to investigate the illegal logging activities.

Meantime, Mr. Henry said a decision is to be made regarding what will be done with the lumber seized.


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