KSAMC names panel to review building approval processes

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has named the members of the panel that will be conducting an administrative review of building approval processes.


They are Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Technology Dr. Copeland Stupart, Urban and Regional Planning Consultant Lorna Perkins and Kevin Guscott, a consultant with nearly 40 years of experience in real estate, urban planning, and sustainable development.


The panel was established following concerns raised about inefficiencies in the KSAMC’s development approval processes and the enforcement of planning and building guidelines.


It is expected to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the procedures, laws and regulations governing the corporation’s planning and development framework.


In a statement this afternoon, Kingston Mayor Andrew Swaby said the panel will enhance transparency, consistency, and accountability in the development approval process.


He noted that the review panel comprises three distinguished professionals with extensive expertise in urban planning, development, and sustainable practices.


The team of Stupart, Perkins and Guscott is expected to focus on identifying weaknesses and deficiencies within the current development application process and proposing actionable recommendations.


Key objectives of the panel include aligning municipal processes with international best practices, developing clear procedures to enhance transparency and consistency, and establishing a planning risk profile for applications.


The deliverables include a comprehensive assessment document, recommendations for updated procedures for application processing, a public awareness presentation to share findings and plans, as well as a full implementation and monitoring plan.


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